Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan: History, Mystery, and Visitor Guide

Bhangarh Haunted Place Rajasthan

Bhangarh Fort, located in the Alwar district of Rajasthan, is one of India’s most intriguing and mysterious historical sites. Known for its eerie reputation and captivating legends, this 17th-century fort has drawn the curiosity of tourists, historians, and paranormal enthusiasts from around the world. In this article, we will explore the rich history, architectural marvels, and spine-chilling stories associated with Bhangarh Fort, providing practical information for visitors and answering common questions about this enigmatic destination.

History of Bhangarh Fort

Bhangarh Fort was established in 1573 by Raja Madho Singh, the younger brother of Man Singh I, a general of the Mughal emperor Akbar. The fort’s construction was part of a larger strategy to defend the kingdom and serve as a residence for the royal family. The fort was once a bustling town, complete with palaces, temples, markets, and residential quarters.

Over the years, Bhangarh became known for its prosperity and architectural beauty. However, it is also shrouded in mystery and folklore, with many attributing its downfall to a curse. According to legend, a local ascetic named Guru Balu Nath put a curse on the town, predicting its ruin if the shadow of the fort ever touched his dwelling. As fate would have it, the fort expanded, leading to the fulfillment of the curse and the subsequent decline of Bhangarh.

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Architectural Highlights

gopinath temple bhangarh

Bhangarh Fort is a splendid example of medieval Indian architecture, blending elements of Rajput and Mughal styles. The fort complex is divided into various sections, each with its own unique structures and features.

Main Entrance (Hanuman Gate): The fort’s main entrance, adorned with intricate carvings and statues, sets the tone for the architectural grandeur within.

Royal Palace: Situated at the highest point of the fort, the palace offers a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. It is known for its intricate design, spacious halls, and ornate decorations.

Temples: The fort houses several temples dedicated to Hindu deities, including the Someshwar Temple, Gopinath Temple, and Mangla Devi Temple. These temples are characterized by their elaborate carvings and serene ambiance.

Markets and Residential Areas: The remnants of the ancient marketplace and residential quarters provide insight into the daily life of Bhangarh’s inhabitants. The market streets, lined with stone structures, still echo the vibrancy of the past.

Mysterious Facts About Bhangarh Fort

Bhangarh Fort is infamous for its eerie atmosphere and paranormal activities. The most popular legend revolves around a wizard named Singhia, who fell in love with the beautiful princess Ratnavati. Using his knowledge of black magic, he tried to enchant her with a love potion, but the princess thwarted his plan, leading to his death. Before dying, Singhia cursed the fort and its inhabitants, dooming them to destruction.

Visitors and locals have reported numerous supernatural experiences, including ghost sightings, unexplained noises, and sudden temperature drops. The fort is officially recognized as haunted, and entry is prohibited after sunset by the Archaeological Survey of India. Here are some unsettling facts about Bhangarh Fort that have contributed to its reputation as one of the most haunted places in India.

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1. Paranormal Activity

Visitors to Bhangarh Fort often report experiencing a profound sense of unease and anxiety. Many feel an eerie presence following them, leading to feelings of paranoia and restlessness. Despite its architectural beauty, these unsettling sensations drive many visitors to cut their trips short and leave the premises quickly.

2. Forbidden After Sunset

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has issued strict warnings prohibiting visitors from staying at Bhangarh Fort after sunset. Signboards around the fort advise against remaining on the premises during the night due to alleged paranormal activities. According to local lore, those who have ventured into the fort after dark have never returned to share their experiences, as it is believed that spirits haunt the fort during the night.

3. The Curse of Guru Balu Nath

A pervasive legend attributes the fort’s eerie reputation to a curse by a hermit named Guru Balu Nath. The king built the fort on the condition that its shadow would not touch the hermit’s dwelling. However, when the fort’s shadow eventually encroached upon the hermit’s space, he cursed the fort and its inhabitants, leading to the town’s ruin.

4. Roofless Village

One of the most bizarre aspects of Bhangarh is the roofless state of the nearby village houses. It is said that any attempt to construct a roof results in its collapse, often leading to fatal accidents. Locals believe this phenomenon is a consequence of the sage’s curse, reinforcing the area’s supernatural aura.

5. Unexplained Accidents

Numerous stories of freak accidents add to the fort’s ominous reputation. One particularly chilling tale involves three adventurers who decided to spend a night in the fort. Despite being well-prepared, one of them fell into a deep well and was rescued by his friends. However, as they rushed to the hospital, they all died in a tragic road accident. Such incidents have fueled the belief that the fort is cursed and perilous, especially after dark.

These mysterious facts about Bhangarh Fort make it a compelling yet daunting destination for thrill-seekers and history enthusiasts alike. Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, the stories surrounding Bhangarh Fort are sure to send shivers down your spine.

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Best Time to Visit Bhangarh Fort

The ideal time to visit Bhangarh Fort is during the winter months (October to March), when the weather is pleasant and suitable for exploring the outdoors.

How to Reach Bhangarh Fort

1) By Air: The closest major airport to Bhangarh Fort is Jaipur International Airport, situated about 86 kilometers away. Upon landing at Jaipur, travelers can opt for a taxi or rent a car to make the journey to Bhangarh Fort. The drive takes around 2 to 3 hours and offers a glimpse of Rajasthan’s scenic landscapes.

2) By Road: Traveling to Bhangarh Fort by road is a picturesque experience, showcasing the rustic charm of Rajasthan’s countryside. The fort is approximately 83.2 kilometers from Jaipur, accessible via NH 21 followed by state highways and local roads. The journey takes about 2 to 3 hours by car or taxi. Additionally, regular bus services operate between Jaipur and Alwar, from where you can catch local buses or hire taxis to reach Bhangarh.

3) By Train: The nearest railway station to Bhangarh Fort is Dausa Railway Station, located roughly 28.3 kilometers away. Dausa is well-connected with major cities like Delhi, Jaipur, and Alwar. From Dausa, you can take a taxi or a local bus to Bhangarh, with the road journey taking about 30 to 45 minutes.

For travelers from Delhi or other distant cities, taking a train to Alwar or Jaipur and then proceeding by road to Bhangarh is a convenient option. Alwar is approximately 89.3 kilometers from Bhangarh, while Jaipur is about 83.2 kilometers away.

Entry Timings and Ticket Information

The fort is open to visitors from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Entry is free, but there may be charges for guided tours and photography.

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Attractions Near Bhangarh Fort

Sariska Tiger Reserve: Located about 40 km from Bhangarh, this wildlife sanctuary is home to tigers, leopards, and various species of birds. It offers safari tours and is a great spot for nature enthusiasts.

Ajabgarh Fort: A neighboring fort with a similar historical background, Ajabgarh Fort is another intriguing site to explore. It provides a glimpse into the region’s architectural and cultural heritage.

Balaji Temple: Situated in Mehandipur, around 35 km from Bhangarh, this temple is famous for its exorcism rituals and attracts devotees from all over the country.

Suggested Itineraries:

  • Day Trip: Start with an early morning visit to Bhangarh Fort, followed by lunch and a safari tour at Sariska Tiger Reserve. End the day with a visit to the Balaji Temple.
  • Two-Day Trip: Spend the first-day exploring Bhangarh Fort and Ajabgarh Fort. On the second day, visit Sariska Tiger Reserve and the Balaji Temple before heading back.

Guideline & Traveler Tips

Safety Guidelines and Precautions:

  • Avoid visiting the fort after dark due to safety concerns and local regulations.
  • Wear comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for walking and exploring.
  • Stay hydrated and carry snacks, as there are limited facilities inside the fort.

Essential Things to Carry:

  • Sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to protect against the sun.
  • A good camera to capture the fort’s stunning architecture and scenic views.
  • A flashlight if you plan to explore darker areas within the fort.

Local Customs and Etiquette:

  • Respect the local culture and traditions.
  • Avoid making loud noises or causing disturbances, especially in the temples.
  • Dispose of waste responsibly and help maintain the fort’s cleanliness.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the history behind the Bhangarh Fort curse?

The fort is believed to be cursed by a wizard named Singhia, who placed a spell on the fort and its inhabitants after his love for Princess Ratnavati was spurned.

Are there any safety concerns when visiting Bhangarh Fort?

While the fort is generally safe to visit during the day, it is recommended to avoid staying after dark due to local regulations and safety concerns related to its haunted reputation.

What are the visiting hours for Bhangarh Fort?

The fort is open to visitors from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Is there an entry fee for Bhangarh Fort?

Entry to the fort is free, though there may be additional charges for guided tours and photography.

Can tourists stay overnight at Bhangarh Fort?

Overnight stays at the fort are not permitted due to safety reasons and its haunted status.

What should visitors bring when visiting Bhangarh Fort?

Visitors should bring comfortable clothing, sunscreen, a camera, snacks, and water. A flashlight can help explore darker areas.

Are there guided tours available at Bhangarh Fort?

Yes, guided tours are available and can enhance the visiting experience by providing detailed historical and cultural insights.

Personal Experiences and Anecdotes

Many visitors have shared their experiences of visiting Bhangarh Fort, ranging from awe at its architectural beauty to spine-chilling encounters with the supernatural. Some have reported feeling an eerie presence or hearing unexplained sounds, while others have simply enjoyed the historical exploration. These personal stories add to the fort’s mystique and allure, making it a must-visit for those seeking adventure and intrigue.

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Practical Information

Nearby Accommodations and Hotels:

There are several accommodation options near Bhangarh, ranging from budget hotels to luxury resorts. Popular choices include hotels in Alwar and Jaipur, which offer a comfortable stay and easy access to the fort.

Dining Options Around Bhangarh:

While there are limited dining options near the fort itself, nearby towns and cities like Alwar and Jaipur offer a variety of restaurants and eateries serving local Rajasthani cuisine and other Indian dishes.

Availability of Guides and Tours:

Local guides are available for hire at the fort, offering insightful tours that cover the history, architecture, and legends of Bhangarh. Organized tours from Jaipur and Alwar also include Bhangarh Fort as a key destination.


Bhangarh Fort stands as a testament to India’s rich history and the enduring allure of its mysteries. With its fascinating legends, stunning architecture, and eerie ambiance, the fort offers a unique experience for history buffs, adventure seekers, and paranormal enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re drawn by the stories of ghosts or the beauty of the fort’s ruins, a visit to Bhangarh is sure to be an unforgettable journey into the past.

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